The Last Week of the Year 2014! 22-28 December 2014

My last week of the year 2014 would be from 22 -28 December. I have been a home-body this week. Got all dressed up on 24 December to attend church service and the taxi-driver couldn't pick me up at the last minute. His story: the police up the road had detained him and were taking their time looking at his papers. My thought: "Poor guy, I hope he makes it home early enough to celebrate with his extended family. You see, he had planned a Christmas Eve dinner with his family". My own reaction about not being able to participate in church service: Disappointment which turned quickly to acceptance. No worries. 25 December was really quiet - just me, God and a whole lot of peace. That's what God promised when one accepts His Son, Jesus (romans 5: 1). With the peace, there was a whole lot of joy. Inevitable isn't it - joy in His Presence (Psalm 16:11). My house in Honduras has nothing Christmassy about it -...