The Birthday Boy!

It would be nice to be back in Singapore where it's the 29th of July 2014.
A photo taken 4 years ago with Pa

It's my Appa's  (father's) birthday.  Happy birthday, Pa!!  It's going to be a great day!!

One thing I know of my Appa is that he worked hard to put my sisters and I through school.  He would pack an egg sandwich everyday to save some money.  He liked to play carom but he doesn't do that now.  He was a footballer and body-builder in his very much younger days.  Guess our liking for sports comes from Pa. And if there is one person who is current with the news, it's got to be Pa. He still reads the local newspapers from page to page, every morning.  And guess my sisters and I got our reading habit from him.

Here's cheering Appa on towards another year of blessedness.

Loving Appa together with my sisters,



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