Dawn Meetings as a Lifestyle, anyone?

 My homestay with my 'family' in Ghana was an interesting experience.  I had my own room but my host family shared their entire family with me.  One Sunday night, my host and brother-in-Christ Mark invited me to his care group's dawn meeting the following day.    This was just the beginning of my morning enjoyment of worship, prayer and being blessed with the Word with other Ghanaians.
Just before light, we sit around
our minds stayed on Christ
our hearts filled with love
for a God whose mercies are new
each moment, each day.

As light breaks we remember the dawn just passed
and know the God in whom our faith lasts.
We remain blessed so that others, we may bless!

I was so privileged to be invited trice to exhort this family and friends.  They met faithfully at 5am from Mondays - Thursdays.  They met to dedicate their life and deeds for the day to God Almighty.  They met to pray for each other.
They called themselves the Generals:-) - they were leaders and upcoming leaders in their Church.  They were concerned about living a righteous life in Christ.
I was privileged to join them.  God is so good!

Psalm 119: 57 The LORD is my portion; I promise to keep your words. 58 I entreat your favor with all my heart; be gracious to me according to your promise. 


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