Being Quiet Amidst The Pandemic
I have been quiet. Quietly reading about the pandemic. Quietly observing the mixture of fear of many in this Coronavirus crisis, the confidence of others as they meet this crisis headlong, the responses of various governments and the pain of those who have lost and are losing their loved ones.
I have been quietly watching from various countries. Yes, I might belong to the high-risk group due to my ministry travels. Still, let me assure you that I imposed a 14-day stay-at-home rule on myself. This is my personal contribution to combat COVID-19 responsibly.
It is now Day 5 of my stay-at-home rule. I live on my own. When families are together and bonding, I can only watch them quietly from afar. My advantage is that I do not have anyone else around me who may catch the virus IF I am a carrier. So, I thank God for this disposition.
I work a lot from home and there is much to do in the Kingdom of God despite COVID-19. Here are some ways of how I use my extended stay-at-home time:
1. Rest - I have been at home for only ten days from 1 January - 18 March 2020. So, rest is priority. I rest by putting my head on the shoulders of the Lord Jesus. I rest by immersing myself in worshipping a great God through the Scriptures and music. I rest by cooking (it's not a chore). I rest by closing my eyes and enjoying the sun from my balcony. I rest by watching a movie or playing a word game on the computer. And yes, I even rest by taking that occasional nap!
Psalm 46: 10 is a worthy verse to hold close to the heart.
2. Encourage - Ever since I was discipled in 1994, my topmost occupying thought has always been "How can I be a blessing to someone today?" This thought helps me to focus on someone or a group of people that God might bring along my way each day. Staying-at-home does not mean that the world has shut down. Our lives still go on. And technology has made it easier for us to be a blessing.
Interestingly, I chose to be off Facebook from February to mid-April 2020. So, I have not been posting any encouragement or thoughts about Coronavirus and the situations around the world on my personal page. My main form of encouraging others has been through prayer. Prayer, someone said, is the highest form of love language. So encouragement through prayer for others and their nations continues to remind me of God's love for the world. I strongly believe that God will always work out good for those who love Him (Romans 8:28).
And I see the good in this world crisis: families are bonding together; families are beating the virus together; religious institutions and ministries are suddenly thrust into reaching the masses through videos and live feeds; little kids are saved from skewed information about gender. Churches especially are in prayer mode. And if you have been following what God is doing in the spiritual realm, you cannot but believe that revival is around the corner! Only God can do the miracles that we, the body of Christ, is clamouring for - spiritual revival is the best miracle that anyone can savour with the Saviour!
The boon of technology makes social distancing almost negligible! Different time zones separates my family, friends, team-mates and I. No matter, encouragements have no time zones and can be communicated through any means. It has become my joy to encourage and receive encouragement too. I love that my family, my fellow Christ-followers and military buddies encourage me or check on me. They are blessings of God.
Much more, I realise that God has blessed me so much that I do not have time to wallow in self-pity or fear of the unknowns. I refuse to live a defeatist life in Christ. As long as my faith is in the Lord Jesus Christ, I am totally and absolutely victorious. I have no fear of what's happening around the world because I know who holds my hand. I wake up each morning with a smile on my face because I know my destiny in the Lord Jesus Christ. And I want to live my short life as a complete blessing of God's love, peace, joy and hope to others because that's the only way I know how to live above any painful, horrific situation. Encouraging others because you love them as God loves them is fully glorifying to God. I am mindful about this thought.
3. Smile - If only smiles can be more infectious than the Coronavirus! Smile widely and smile more because you never know whom you might be encouraging through your smile. When situations are tough like they are now, keep smiling through it all. Yes, even through your tears! Sometimes, it is good to laugh at ourselves. Friends have been sending me jokes related to the coronavirus - I am not offended; taking time to laugh little bit does wonders for one's mood. Despite my stay-at-home imposition, I wake up each morning with a huge smile on my face. The fact that I am still alive and am breathing is worth a smile. Thank God! And then there is the sad smile - this is the smile on my face when I hear lousy news of someone going through a difficult time or of death or some other pain. The appropriate smile is very powerful - it gives strength and seems to say, "I am with you" to another person. Smile even when you think you are alone because you really are not alone - God is with you. He is omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent!
4. Trust - What would I do if I had no trust in a great God? I would likely be living in fear, lots of fears! Since I teach people to recognise their fears, I need to be practicing what I teach. So, I live with no fears except the fear of God. I know that my God is absolutely Sovereign over all the nations and I truly believe in Romans 8:28.
Due to travel restrictions and group gathering restrictions, God has allowed me the favour to change some of my flights and a Mexican church actually asked me to do 5 short videos for the Holy Week,. Also, my team and prayer warriors from various nations are meeting twice a week to pray specifically for spiritual revival, the nations and the COVID 19 situations. This is above and beyond what I normally do. So, thank you God for stretching the FAIM Team.
In addition, another book is brewing and an updated FAIM webpage is being created. God has a great plan to prosper us, never to fail us (Jeremiah 29:11). And of course, I have all the time in the world to design more lessons and to teach online.
It is a quiet but busy life in God's kingdom, despite the disruption of COVID-19. COVID-19 has got nothing on those who believe in Jehovah Nissi.
Finally I want to borrow a prayer from my spiritual daughter, my namesake Rachel Chindu who posted on her Facebook page on 22 March 2020:
Abba, Father I pray for those today who are in the middle of Coronavirus and various challenges. Even when our world seems to be crashing around us, strengthen us to know that You are not only our Protector but our ever present Helper. I ask you now to bless them, be with them, and please deliver them quickly. You are our only True Hope and Jesus is our only sure Redeemer. Thank You Lord that we are not alone and not abandoned. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.
Blessings of God's Abundant 💌,
I have been quietly watching from various countries. Yes, I might belong to the high-risk group due to my ministry travels. Still, let me assure you that I imposed a 14-day stay-at-home rule on myself. This is my personal contribution to combat COVID-19 responsibly.
It is now Day 5 of my stay-at-home rule. I live on my own. When families are together and bonding, I can only watch them quietly from afar. My advantage is that I do not have anyone else around me who may catch the virus IF I am a carrier. So, I thank God for this disposition.
I work a lot from home and there is much to do in the Kingdom of God despite COVID-19. Here are some ways of how I use my extended stay-at-home time:

Psalm 46: 10 is a worthy verse to hold close to the heart.
2. Encourage - Ever since I was discipled in 1994, my topmost occupying thought has always been "How can I be a blessing to someone today?" This thought helps me to focus on someone or a group of people that God might bring along my way each day. Staying-at-home does not mean that the world has shut down. Our lives still go on. And technology has made it easier for us to be a blessing.
Interestingly, I chose to be off Facebook from February to mid-April 2020. So, I have not been posting any encouragement or thoughts about Coronavirus and the situations around the world on my personal page. My main form of encouraging others has been through prayer. Prayer, someone said, is the highest form of love language. So encouragement through prayer for others and their nations continues to remind me of God's love for the world. I strongly believe that God will always work out good for those who love Him (Romans 8:28).

The boon of technology makes social distancing almost negligible! Different time zones separates my family, friends, team-mates and I. No matter, encouragements have no time zones and can be communicated through any means. It has become my joy to encourage and receive encouragement too. I love that my family, my fellow Christ-followers and military buddies encourage me or check on me. They are blessings of God.
Much more, I realise that God has blessed me so much that I do not have time to wallow in self-pity or fear of the unknowns. I refuse to live a defeatist life in Christ. As long as my faith is in the Lord Jesus Christ, I am totally and absolutely victorious. I have no fear of what's happening around the world because I know who holds my hand. I wake up each morning with a smile on my face because I know my destiny in the Lord Jesus Christ. And I want to live my short life as a complete blessing of God's love, peace, joy and hope to others because that's the only way I know how to live above any painful, horrific situation. Encouraging others because you love them as God loves them is fully glorifying to God. I am mindful about this thought.

4. Trust - What would I do if I had no trust in a great God? I would likely be living in fear, lots of fears! Since I teach people to recognise their fears, I need to be practicing what I teach. So, I live with no fears except the fear of God. I know that my God is absolutely Sovereign over all the nations and I truly believe in Romans 8:28.

In addition, another book is brewing and an updated FAIM webpage is being created. God has a great plan to prosper us, never to fail us (Jeremiah 29:11). And of course, I have all the time in the world to design more lessons and to teach online.
It is a quiet but busy life in God's kingdom, despite the disruption of COVID-19. COVID-19 has got nothing on those who believe in Jehovah Nissi.
Finally I want to borrow a prayer from my spiritual daughter, my namesake Rachel Chindu who posted on her Facebook page on 22 March 2020:

Blessings of God's Abundant 💌,
This is quite helpful, since some of us are like fish out of water, not knowing what to do with ourselves.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the encouragement! God bless you.
DeleteHi Rachel,
ReplyDeleteThis is refreshing reading, a stimulus to my own faith. I am happy that you are at home. Self isolation is actually a good idea in our own homes. My husband and I have been at home alone for the past 5 days. Our daughter and her husband has chosen not to visit for our own protection, so we are dripping in the Word and grasping every opportunity to rest! rest! rest! God is amazing!
Superb! God bless you.
DeleteDr. Rachael, good morning. I know for sure you have been taking good care of yourself. I am happy about that.
ReplyDeleteI am fine as well.
What a huge source of encouragement and reassurance. Thank you for sharing. Indeed, rather than complaining, we should pray.
All and sundry ought to run the race with eternity in view. Christ, the Rock is our sure hope. In the midst of all these circumstances God keeps giving us reasons to praise Him.
Thank you for praying. God bless you.
DeleteDear Rach, thank you for sharing your experiences with us. Indeed God is doing great things through your life. Keep up the good work. Our prayers and love for you.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the encouragement! God bless you all.