Immerse Me in Your Glory!

My helper Noella invited me to her church last Sunday.  Iglesia de Dios Olympica was re-dedicating herself to the Lord.  What a celebration it was!  The children, youths and adults celebrated with only one thing on their minds:  Sumergeme En Tu Gloria! Immerse me in Your Glory!

It was a long taxi ride for me but I am glad that I accepted this invitation.  This church which still needed some paint was packed.  Everybody worked to make things happen.  The pastor was very humble.

I was impressed with their children's ministry - they had a children's worship team and began the service; a seven-year-old was the intercessor and a five-year-old decked in a suit preached from Acts 2: 17 with authority and power!  
Acts 2:  17
 And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams;

I love the fact that this church loves Israel and prays for Israel. It also supports missions overseas.  And to top it, this church has no qualms about dancing with flags or improvising a trumpet so that it is blown like the shofar.  

The youth worship team rocked the place! The twenty-year-old youth preached his heart out, crying out for God's glory.  The hunger was great and His faithfulness was revealed in His Presence.

I left the church after a sumptuous lunch cooked by the women/mothers in the church and served by the men / fathers in the church.  It was indeed a glorious day!

Thank you Jesus for a church hungry for Your Glory in this nation.
Blessed Season,


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