Easy Tempo of Trust

I sit here in the quietness of a Sunday evening.  The dishwasher is whirring, the television is switched off.  I have just had a homemade Greek dinner.  My soul is restless and in times like these, I try to find out why I feel restless. Inevitably, my mind wanders to Christ, the Lover of my soul.

I think of my journey with Christ.  I don't really walk.  I dance.  I love dancing.  The beat of Latin American music gets me most.  

So, there I go - dancing with Christ as my partner to the song "Eres todo poderoso".

He leads me besides still waters (Psalm 23:2) even when the rhythm of life beats faster, and faster.  

At times, my steps quicken as I am led across the dance-hall of life events.  And at times, I waltz with the Lover of my soul.  And yes, we tango through life in perfect understanding.  I follow my Leader.

But it is when my Partner swirls and turns me around that my heart leaps a little bit.  Would I still hold His hands?

Oh, no worries.  He holds my hand tight.  I feel safe.  

My Partner does not miss a single step, even when I do.
I trust Christ.

Dancing joyfully in Christ,


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