Dough-ing the Honduran Way

I thought I would try making some tortillas today.  Well, I might as well get used to the food that my Honduran friends are accustomed too.

So, I invested in the masa de maiz.  Added some hot water and got to making the dough.  All good now.  Let it rest.

Thirty minutes later as my stomach growled "lunch...grrr", I started making little balls of dough.  My helper, 72 year-old Noella said, "Hmmm, I think the dough needs to be softer".  Oh well...added some more water.

And she helped me shape four balls of dough into true, off-white tortillas.  The new iron skillet was super-hot.  The shaped dough was thrown on it and it came out in great tortilla character.

Served it with frijoles I had attempted yesterday, crema from the store and scrambled-omelette.  I passed my own test.  Noella seconded it.

Loving the experience in Honduras and Dios es bueno todo el tiempo!


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