8 Days into January 2016

I thought I wait a little longer before writing my first post for this year.  Yeah...survived 2015 and advancing into 2016.  Praise God!

I simply thank God for all the protection, provisions and opportunities He has given me and the ministry in 2015.

God - Father/Son.HolySpirit First and Foremost
Just the other day, I was 'invited' to consider a small contribution so that my paperwork would be done quickly and without a hitch.  Those of you who know me, also know that I have no patience for time-wasters.  It was a very tempting short-cut to secure precious time.

I was reminded that I needed to maintain my integrity amidst a crowd of others very willing to 'contribute' a small token so that their paperwork will be hastened and approved.  I refused to allow  the equivalent of US$5 to break my intention to maintain integrity.

Let me tell you - it is a difficult disposition when you end up being the only 'spoilsport' among a crowd willing to compromise their integrity.  I could not have done it without the Holy Spirit's leadership.

Family Next
An irony to state 'family next'  when I am living so far away from my parents and sisters.  There is not a day that goes by where I do not think of my parents or  sisters, brothers-in-law, nephew and nieces.  Thank God for daily group chats among my sisters and weekly ones among cousins.  We joke, laugh, vent our frustrations, greet each other and praise each other's achievements with words and emojis.

Team-mates Matter
Yes, what would I do without them? I had to let go one team-mate in obedience to God's ten different ways of telling stubborn me to LET GO.  And when I did, God added six more on the team.  Moral of the story:  Be quick to obey God even if it might affect one relationship.
I value all my current team-mates - they are all Next Generation Leaders, much younger than I.

Friends are like Gold
Good friends are so valuable - I have good friends whom I can count on - these are the friends who will Whatsapp encouragements and prayers without me asking for it.  And when I do ask for prayers, these friends will acknowledge and send a prayer my way.  Then, there are few friends who truly support God's ministry through me, in a financial way.  They never ever make you feel like you need to beg for money.  In fact, I have one dear brother who always assures me that "it is a great joy to partner with you in your ministry". My heart is always comforted to hear this from him.

As a missionary (without a regular salary), I value the prayer, moral and financial support greatly.  And I am thankful that God gives me friends who are willing to share their lives with me, at least mostly virtually!

So What about 2016?

I am looking forward to see how much more I would hear from God and obey Him; let my faith increase even more.  That's a dangerous statement to make.

I am looking forward to time with family and friends around the globe.   May God stretch our time whenever we are together.

I am looking forward to see how my team-mates and I will touch lives 'Christ-centeredly' this year.
We need a greater hunger for the eternal things of God.

I am looking forward to learn more about political conflicts, global peace and security issues.  Check out Even war must have its limits (Opinion).

I am an adventurer - so, I am looking forward to new life adventures this year, all with God's grace and love.

And in everything I do or say, may God alone receive all glory!

Jumping high, landing firm in God's kingdom,


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