Fero, Passionate Preacher for Yeshua
It was supposed to be a normal Sunday for me. I was browsing through Facebook and came across my Indonesian spiritual daughter, Fero's, friend lamenting her loss. The post was accompanied with Fero's photo. At first, I thought that this was probably a joke. Out of curiosity, I went to Fero's page - and there I remained shocked, as shocked as most of her friends who left behind messages lamenting their loss and most who believed that she has been called home to glory.
I could not believe this and then it hit me like a ton of bricks. I felt the same way as I felt when my dad passed away in 2019. I was sad, sat alone in my apartment and cried but deep down, I knew that Fero is in a much better place without pain.
Psalm 116: 15
Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his faithful servants.
I met Fero in 2013 when I was ministering in Manado, Indonesia. We took an immediate liking to each other. She was fifteen and I was fifty-two. She called me "Ibu" - mum in Indonesian and a respectful way of addressing an older woman. She was still in school but she told me how she desired to be a preacher. During one of my sermons, I gave her an opportunity to testify of the equipping that she had received from Faith Ablaze International Ministries. As she gave glory to God, I discerned that Fero was a very special young woman. You see, she literally preached her testimony. I felt such a sense of pride in seeing a youth with such a deep passion for Christ. Afew years later, I visited Manado again and this time, I made sure that I would spend some quality time with Fero. We spent an entire Sunday together - worshipping at her church, going out for lunch, meeting her family and shopping. By this time, Fero was out of secondary school and was studying in a Bible School. Despite the fact that she was not earning any money, this young woman wanted to gift me an Indonesian long skirt. I had liked one but chose not to buy it. Fero returned to my hotel the next day with the skirt. I still have this gift.
Over the last ten years, we would communicate sporadically but we would always bless each other with prayers and encouragement. My last conversation with Fero was through Facebook Messenger. God reminded me to send her the newly-published Indonesian devotional book, Tidak Malu Kujadi MilikMu (Unashamed to be Yours!). We communicated and Fero was really blessed by the book. Fero had always desired to accompany and serve alongside me - it was always "one of these days". While on earth, Fero was such a beautiful example of God's love for her people, funny, caring, intelligent and a woman on fire for Christ. She was an anointed servant of God. What an honour to have cross paths with Fero in my lifetime! She left a legacy of faithfulness behind.
During our communication in July and August 2023, this is what Fero wrote me:
July 25: I didn't know that Mom would come (to Indonesia). If I had known, I could have saved up and gone to Medan to accompany you. I always pray that God will always bless your ministry, Mom. And hope that one day I will join you to serve. Love you Mom
August 1: I've read up to part 2 (of Tidak Malu Kujadi MilikMu) and I'm blessed. Thank you so much Mom for this book
I am thankful for Fero's short life. She would not be joining me in what I do on earth but for sure, I will join her in heaven with Christ. For now, my hugs extend to you, Fero.
Pray with me that the God of Comfort will embrace her family and friends.
Blessings of grace,
Rachel R
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