Engraved in Your Palms

The early morning hours are one of the best times to hear the voice of God, to be impressed with His words and to have that simple or intense conversation. Well, actually, I get impressed quite quickly as long as it is God's words. Our conversations are not limited by time.

I love the silence in the room except when the train goes by and I am jolted out of that stillness. In that silence, I can hear better than when it gets noisy. However, training my ears to hear when it is noisy is an art in itself. It has taken some years of serious practice and I continue with this art like it is the breath of my short life on earth.

These days, my eyes are bombarded with blatant lies and deception, even when there is a volume of evidence to prove the truth. I can sit around and mope or I can remember who I am in the kingdom or why I have an existence for such a time as this. I can choose to be very afraid of simple lifestyle decisions like meeting friends, eating out and breathing the fresh air or I can choose to bird-cage myself, stop dining out and stop enjoying the God-given air in the open seas.

I want to be like Joshua (my favourite Old Testament character). I desire to see the beauty of God amidst the challenges. Pessimism does not sit well on the shoulders of any Christian. We are called to be hopeful, holy and honourable. What better way is there than to immerse ourselves in an onslaught of prophetic worship and intercession?

Exactly what happened in the wee hours of this morning! Worship in the heart and words in my mind confirm the Scripture verse in Psalm 63:8 "My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me." What a joy to know and understand afresh and repeatedly that all of us who are born of God are engraved in the palms of His hands! Can there be a better place than this place?

Blessings of abundant grace,Rachel R


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