Is There Any Hope for Womb Terrorists?

photo credit: Valerie Zoncoll
 Firstly, I want to thank everyone who took time to read 
 Secondly, I want to thank some of you who sent me 
 encouraging words after reading my previous blog.   
 Interestingly, I heard more from my brothers-in-Christ  
 than my sisters-in-Christ.  Thank you for encouraging 
 me to speak the truth as it is.  Do share the links to my
 blog if it has blessed you.

I give thanks to my God always for you because of the grace of God
 that was given you in Christ Jesus.

                                                                - 1 Corinthians 1:4

The discussion of 'abortion of life in the womb' or as I identify it as 'womb terrorism' is most definitely a very sensitive and an emotional journey for women, even Christian women.  Perhaps this had happened in your life whether you believed in Christ at that time or not; perhaps, the pain of irresponsibility is staring at you after so many years and you never saw abortion as 'womb terrorism'.  Perhaps, you are so filled with guilt and shame that you are wondering if God could ever love a womb terrorist?  You might even be questioning your own womanhood right now.

As for the men who would have played a significant part in this act of terrorism that is the leading cause of death in the world, you too could be feeling guilt and shame; you could even be feeling less of a man for such an irresponsible act.  If only you could turn time but it is gone now.

Can anyone return from such a murderous past to a redeeming grace and hope?  The world's human population is conditioned to 'sweep the past actions under the rug'.  'Just move on, life goes on'.  Any form of regret is best kept to self because vulnerability and true remorse are seen as weaknesses.  This is also the deception that has been sold to Christians and just one of many reasons why some believers of the Lord Jesus Christ are yet to follow Him fully.  Do not allow deception to overtake the truth.

So then, can anyone return from such a murderous past to a redeeming grace and hope? 

Thankfully, the Almighty, Creator God is more forgiving than we can ever think or dream about.  
After all, He loved His creation, you and me, so much that He was compelled to gift His only begotten Son to be crucified on the cross.  The Son became our Substitute and there you see, a Way to be reconciled, to be free, to be saved was open.  Every drop of blood shed by the Saviour on that wooden cross washes away every unthinkable sin in our God-gifted life.  And yes, we can receive the forgiveness of the Heavenly Father if we will repent of any sin.  Do you know my Lord Jesus Christ?  Have you met Him who is still Living and is scheduled to return again at His Time?

In Christ, when one is forgiven, Romans 8:1 clearly states

There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

Did you know that God has delivered liars, murderers, cheaters and hypocrites in the Bible?  He has promised to deliver anyone who has sinned and the Way is straightforward.  All we need to do is to believe the truth that God loves us so intensely that He was willing to send His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ to be the Great Substitute on that Calvary Cross one fine Good Friday.  The blood of Jesus is precious and freely shed so that all who might place their faith in Him alone will have their sins washed away.  We begin on a new slate (oftentimes daily as we are not perfect people).  So why not just confess Jesus as the Lord and Savior?  What is there to lose except human pride?  What is there to gain except an entry to eternal life, being a loved, precious child of God and a blessed lifestyle with its own challenges and victories? 

So no matter if you had been a womb terrorist, supported or are supporting womb terrorism or kept or keeping silent about this evil, there is time to repent and to be restored to the ways of God right now.  What would be your choice: to live in the grace of God or be in disgrace? to live freely in the truth or in deception and doubt?  Just remember that the unborn in the womb is a gift to you, not a burden. Little he or she could turn out one day to be a world-changer.  I am thankful that my parents did not exercise womb terrorism or I might not be writing this now.

My prayer for all involved in womb terrorism is:

Heavenly Father, 

You bestowed life on all your created beings.  Forgive us when we have not taken your gift of life seriously enough to enjoy, to live, to love and to share your gift with others.  Thank you for this forgiveness found in the Lord Jesus Christ who was crucified on the cross for my evil ways, especially related to womb terrorism.  I believe that He is the Lord of my life and I choose to love, to live, to speak about Your life in mine and the hope that You give to all who prefer to choose death.  Help me by Your Holy Spirit to be courageous and to appreciate the sanctity of life; help me to use my voice and other blessings to protect the lives of the unborn, to encourage parents to the way of the Lord Jesus and to stand by all who choose to stand against womb terrorism.  

In the Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

With much love for the Life of Jesus in many who are yet to be born,



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