Unashamed Servant-Leadership - The Book Cover (A Vision Fulfilled) Part 2

The publishing of my book Unashamed Servant-Leadership was in progress.  The marketing staff from Langham Literature invited me to suggest book cover concepts.  I suggested two concepts but prayed that they would accept the first concept which was very personal and meaningful to me.

Around 1997, I was still a student at Singapore Bible College.  And I was worshipping at Christ Methodist Church which was my home church then.  I was traveling in the air-conditioned bus to church.  It was a long journey on an early Sunday morning.  I remember praying during this journey.  As I prayed, God gave me a vision.

This was a vision of two hands moulding a brown claypot.  God the Father was hard at work with this claypot.  As I prayed on what this might mean for me, I sensed that God was shaping and moulding me to exactly the design He intended me to be.  The claypot was brown in color - absolutely boring!

So, in my spirit, I said to God, "God, I don't want to look so boring.  I love colors and design. I want to look really beautiful."  See, I didn't think much about the usefulness of this brown pot but was more interested in the colors and design.  Still, the vision continued and I saw God's hands take an etching knife and etch designs on the pot.  As designs were being etched, in my spirit I felt the pain and went, "Ouch, ouch."  I knew then that whatever was not pleasing to God in my life had to be cleared.  This was a process necessary to be gorgeous for God.  In reality, it was a twenty-year process. After the design, the pot was painted in turquoise and gold.  It came out from the fire looking absolutely gorgeous.  God poured some water into this turquoise and gold pot and poured the water out into the nations.

Looking back, this has been my walk with God.  God shaped me - into a Christlike image with a Christlike purpose.  It has been painful to grow into this image and I am still a work-in-progress.

 I will never be perfect till I meet the Lord Jesus Christ but I pray that I am walking according to His will.  His Commission to me is great and I am thrilled to be in the service of the King of kings.

This vision of the turquoise and gold pot has come to pass not once but twice:
Firstly, it came to pass on a beautiful June day in Hawaii.  It was the last day of a leadership experience at Haggai International.  Dr. Joey Chuaunsu's morning devotion was about The Potter and the clay.  As he spoke, God reminded me of the beautiful turquoise and gold pot he had shown me twenty years ago.  I was very excited and had a huge smile on my face.  In my spirit, I knew that God was going to take the ministry that He has given me, Faith Ablaze International Ministries (FAIM) to another level of operations globally.  We are just a tiny outfit with a big heart for the nations.  After the devotion, I went up to Joey and started sharing about the vision of the Great Potter moulding a claypot (me) to be beautiful.  As I spoke, it dawned on me that I was actually going to be wearing a turquoise and gold Indian outfit that evening at graduation.  Imagine this!

Secondly, this vision came to pass when the concept was selected by my publisher Langham Global Library to be the cover of my book.  It is now completely on print!  I found it interesting that the water is first poured into Africa, especially North Africa.  The first African nation that I have ever stepped into was in North Africa.  Now, I did not advise the book cover designer on this - God knows everything!

I may never know or understand the global impact that I would make in my lifetime as I obey God.  I can only hope and pray that God would continue to see me fit for service for as long as He desires.

My books are available at various stores in print and electronic formats.  Please visit FAIM Resources page.

In addition, you can listen to a radio interview and read articles at this link http://www.faim4christ.org/interview.php

Enjoy reading and God bless you,
Rachel R


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