When Laundry Morning Can Be Fun!

That one September weekday morning in Ghana, I woke up really early and was surprised by my team-mates.

Both husband and wife, Mark and Julie, were doing laundry the old-fashioned way.  It was such a pleasant surprise but I stood in awe.  Cooking and washing clothes are apparently not a 'male thing' to do, yes even in Ghana.  But what I saw was the love of a husband towards his wife.  Since they were both working people and have four children to look after, it was natural that the woman will shoulder most of the 'womanly' things to do.  

I am wondering right now - whoever categorized the 'manly' or 'womanly' things to do?  Let me get back to what I saw and thought when I saw my team-mates expressing mutual care and love for each other.  Truly, I went "Wow".  I was extremely pleased that I had a male team-mate, a brother who had no hang-ups about dirtying his hands in soapy water to co-wash dirty clothes with his beautiful wife.  That is such a great testimony of how Christian love can be exercised mutually in a marriage.

I was so surprised. I had never seen any man do laundry with his wife - the old-fashioned way.  Mind you, it can be back-breaking!
Throwing clothes into the washing machine doesn't count in my books.
I asked my dear brother, "Do you wash the clothes with your wife all the time?" And he replied, " Usually on weekends if there are many clothes to wash and I do not have other ministry appointments or meetings. But today, I see that she (the wife) has too many clothes to wash and she is tired too."

Ephesians 5: 28 In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself.

Such a small act of mutual love and respect between this couple goes a long way in their obedience to God's truths about marriage.

Can you clap and praise God for this couple?  I was grinning away at his reply and said to myself, "I need to blog this." And I am blogging with their permission too.

For the marrieds:  "A good marriage isn't something you find; it's something you make."
― Gary L. ThomasA Lifelong Love: What If Marriage Is about More Than Just Staying Together?

For the singles desiring to get married:  “Fix your eyes on Jesus and the plans he has for your life. Look ahead, and run after him with all your heart. Then look around. Whoever has kept up with you, marry that person.” 
― Debra FiletaTrue Love Dates: Your Indispensable Guide to Finding the Love of your Life

Trivia:  Mark and Julie are also qualified marriage counselors.
Blessings of love and peace,


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