Who Else?

As I sit alone in my hotel room in Mexico, I am reminded of God's goodness throughout the last year and last decade. Yet, my mind continues to meander through a few more years beyond the decade to a simple and dangerous prayer over me as I stepped out to serve the King of kings intentionally to impact the nations. This was in 2002. This church leader with some others gathered around me, her hand on my shoulder and she quietly asked that God will use me like "the foolish thing in the world to shame the wise". 1 Corinthians 1: 27 actually states that God chose the weak in the world to shame the strong! I have found myself many times in situations since that prophetic prayer, in various nations where God called me to 'be' and 'do' the unthinkable! Some might say, "crazy things for God". I have made decisions out of obedience to God to please Him rather than people, even leaders. Such decisions doesn't move anyone up in the popula...