Goodbye for Now, Honduras! I Will See You Again!

This time, next year, I will not be here in Honduras. But first, let me reminisce over some significant experiences in my life. I want to give thanks and all glory to God for His ever-present help. Early 2018 and Walking into My Destiny I walked into 2018 with a deep assurance that God has called me to move to my next destination – Mexico. A long time ago, during one of my prayer times, God impressed upon me that He would bring me to more difficult nations than the one I had been before. From the little Red Dot to the Middle East to West Africa So, from comfortable and premium-class Singapore, this island-city dweller moved to a restricted nation in the Middle East where I could not return home at two o’clock in the morning or do some running around the neighbourhood as a form of exercise. Within one and half years of my stay in the Middle East, my former organisation sent me to start the African base in Ghana. From Wes...