Honest Responses: On Praying & Financially Supporting Missionaries

We are three-quarters into 2016. It's that time of the year where most of us, missionaries or not, probably look into our budget and see if we have enough to move forward, whether we need to make some adjustments along the way and how we can possibly live within our means. Most of my friends know that my ministry depends on donations given by cheerful givers. Personally, I value the prayers of our intercessors and definitely appreciate the timely financial gifts that sustain Faith Ablaze International Ministries ( FAIM ). But this time, I was compelled to find out some personal beliefs and thoughts about why some Christians would want to pray or give financially towards missionaries. Here's a biblically based article written by David Peach that might interest you: http://www.whatchristianswanttoknow.com/importance-of-missions-7-reasons-to-support-them/ . The assumption here is that both prayer and giving financially are ministries. T...