Seeking the Shalom of Your City

Tan Keng Tiong, a Masters of Divinity student with Fuller Theological Seminary was invited to encourage the FAIM team and friends on 24th August 2024. It was FAIM's 12th Anniversary. Tiong, as he is fondly known, discusses the challenges we have in the mission field and how we might use our giftings and tools to reach the lost. In his message, he encouraged FAIM with these words: I begin this message with the conviction that FAIM must be God’s instrument, Jesus’s hands, and feet, that inhabits and serves the world, as a living witness to the gospel of God’s kingdom among your people of diverse faiths and beliefs, lostness and brokenness, in your respective cities. In short, we must seek the shalom of our cities. We are thankful to our brother for a timely reminder and encouragement to pursue God's call for His glory. Below, you can read his full message to us. Seeking the Shalom of Your City by Tan Keng Tiong But seek the welfare of the city where I...