One Asian Woman's Perspective on the Investigation into the Sexual Misconduct of Ravi Zacharias

Like countless Christians who have heard Ravi Zacharias (RZ) speak, read his books, quoted his words, I too was taken by surprise at the scandal that ensued after his death. I was surprised by the deception that surrounded RZ than by the fall from the grace of God especially when I have heard that he travelled only with male staff to his international meetings. Let us face this - we all step out of God's grace once awhile, sometimes more than necessary. His love and forgiveness draws us back to HIm. The investigation report makes it clear of RZ's many quiet moments where sexual misconduct could have happened. Coming from a military background, my ears have been assaulted by curse-words and with sentences punctuated by expletives often enough. In my uniform, I would stand and take such expressions coming from mostly male soldiers of different ranks as "normal". I learnt at an early age that men enjoyed the beauty of women, fantasized about...