
Showing posts from February, 2021

There is No Logic! (except in Christ)

As I write this post, I am extremely aware that you, the reader might disagree with me over the hypocrisies listed below.  I am aware that I might lose some friends over this particular post.  But I am compelled to write as I need to be faithful to what God has spoken to me during my prayer time. So, with this understanding and the encouragement that I have received from Proverbs 12:22, I write.   My hope is that you do not assume the following: 1. That I am denying the existence of the covid virus 2. That I am against all vaccinations 3.  That I do not care about death Instead, I want you to know that I think: 1.  Covid virus exists but I consider it a little thing due to the 99% recovery rate. 2.  I have taken other vaccinations that has ensured that I will not be re-infected.  Covid vaccine has no such re-assurances.  3.  I care about every dying soul regardless of how they might have died - abortion (womb terrorism), cancer, jihadism, co...