A Pregnant Pause

Hello everyone, I am back after a pregnant pause of eleven months from blogging. During these months, I have learnt much, re-prioritized ministry efforts and spent time resting with God, family and friends. Interestingly, I did not have the desire to blog during these last eleven months. So, here is my first blog for 2019 related to the pregnant pause in my life. Taking a break, a Shabbat as I call it, is always a good thing. It allowed me to reconnect with my family, my friends and my country. Being in Singapore for 5.5 months was definitely a long time for me. I decided to give myself this time for two reasons: 1. Out of obedience to God as He wanted me to spend more time with my family and friends 2. It was time for a rest of some sort. Obedience to God God in His great scheme of things knew that my dad would pass on during my time of Shabbat. It has always been my prayer that God would take him away while I was in my...