Society, Security and Freedom

I have been thinking much about personal and national security as well as personal and national freedom. I probably touch the tip of the iceberg with this blog. There is so much more to consider. The issues related to security and freedom have become relative and debatable. Some are even discussing about security and freedom as if one has to take sides - you know, give up an iota of security for a tad more freedom and vice versa. It's not about giving up either as both are two sides of the same coin. Freedom and security are so close that one cannot be without the other. I suppose the other reason these two bedfellows - Security and Freedom - provoke me is because I am a witness to deception, hate, foolishness and pure evil more than I am a witness to dignity, humility, faith and peace. The security of a society is related to the freedom of that society and of course, vice versa. However one phrases it, there’s no denying th...