Unashamed Servant-Leadership - The Long but Sweet Journey to Publication Part 1

My book Unashamed Servant-Leadership was released by Langham Global Library on 14 December 2017. It has been an interesting six months plus as a new author. My doctoral dissertation on Asian Christian women leaders' growth, challenges and impact in the kingdom of God was a book-in-waiting. When I first proposed my research idea, both my research supervisors encouraged me to release the research findings as a book. At different times, they told me, "this is cutting edge thought". I put the idea of a book aside. You see, I had no money to pay any publisher. And I really desired a writing mentor. I began praying and asked God to give me the best publisher who would be generous enough to help me. One fine June day in 2016, I met with Dr. Riad Kassis, a scholar and a director at Langham Partnership at the Global Proclamation Congress for Pastoral Trainers in Bangkok, Thailand. In the course of the conversation, he introduced me to...