Mutuality & Community - A Reflection of God

I wrote a blog a few days ago, referring to Dr. Jackie Roese's article, for GProConnext . I came across an article by Dr. Jackie Roese accidentally. But I must say her writing resonates with me, and perhaps with other men and women of God. This issue of women in leadership has been contentious for the longest time. Why must it be so? Coming from Singapore, one of the most educated nations in the world, it is extremely difficult for me to fathom that Christ-following women's leadership is limited to certain categories of the church population - mainly to children, youths and women. Worst still, in some sectors of God's kingdom, it is expected that the woman follow instructions from a male leader. Or put it another way, women can be leaders but there is a limit to how far they can advance in the kingdom. My interest lies in the faithful usage of gifts and talents given by God. If a brother is far more gifted...