
Showing posts from August, 2016


I have travelled to so many nations and have a variety of stories to tell. I definitely like to see them in print.  So, vlogging or video blogging is something new.   So, what's a vlog?  Straight from the online dictionary: vlog vlɒɡ/ noun a blog in which the postings are primarily in video form. "you can add travel vlogs to the growing list of travel-related material popping up on the Web" We have set up a FAIM channel on YouTube.  And we just want to share our daily faith walk in Christ with the world, from wherever we might be.  I hope my team-mates get on the bandwagon too but no pressure, here.  By the way, nothing is professional - yes, no make-up or lighting.  It is as you see.  We are keeping it real.  Should God provide a capable volunteer videographer, We would definitely welcome the services.  Till then... So, just for your praise pleasure - please do click on the following links, watch, like, subscribe and give God all the g...