30 Days In Singapore: 30 Blessings And More

This blog is way overdue, all because of my jet-setting ways. I love my birth-nation Singapore and so I decided to count my blessings as I flew into this island-city. In truth, I can count much more than 30 blessings for my month in Singapore. Here are a few of God's blessings showered upon me while in Singapore a couple of months ago: Family At first I did not want to return to Singapore as I was thinking of expenses. Yes, airfare is easily in the region of US$2,000-2,500 per return ticket from Honduras to Singapore via USA. I spent very little time to pray about this visit in Aug-Sep 2015 because technically, it was a no-brainer. The main reason was to return to 'replace' my sister in caregiving to our parents. I decided that I would trust God to provide the funds for my airfare and my stay in Singapore and proceeded to reserve my tickets 6-7 months before this visit. And yes, I got my ticket at a very cheap rate! I have had the b...