Blessed Birthday Singapore! 50 Looks Good on You!

Today, my birth-nation Singapore turns a grand 50 and I am proud of her. I am thankful for the freedom to practice my faith. I am thankful for the education I have received. I am thankful that I was able to serve my country in the Defence Ministry. I am thankful that my parents have a home of their own. I am thankful that all my siblings have a job. I am thankful that this is where some of my family and friends met their spouses. I am thankful for the diversity of culture and races within the family and nation. I am thankful that true Singaporeans strive to remain harmonious. I am thankful that this is where I met Christ. I am thankful that I have family and friends who continue to look out for me. I am living overseas but my eyes are on my birth-nation. If there was something I do not appreciate, I am not one to gripe on Facebook, I just write to the Prime Minister's Office about it but I think, "let's be constructive here and let's aways remain a bles...