Discovering Former Prime Minister of Singapore Lee Kuan Yew Again!

22nd March 2015, I received a Whatsapp message from my sisters and cousins that Singapore's Founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew (LKY) has passed away! Well, we were expecting it but it still shook me a little bit. If I were in Singapore right now, I will join the millions waiting to pay their respects to a great leader. But I am not in Singapore, though right now, my heart is among the millions who mourn for the nation's architect. Photo by Reuters In the last two days, I have read so many tributes from all over the world and have once again begun to discover more about this Singaporean in his death than when he was alive. And what stands out above the rest is that LKY was a man of integrity. He demanded honesty. He refused bribes ( ). He was honest about loving his wife (